Childrens Museum
2 parents, 6 kids and memories made everyday. "The way to have a little Heaven in your home is to have someone from your home in Heaven"
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Tagged by Nicole
1. What is his name? Matthew Michael Horn
2. How long have you been together? We've been married for 3 years in Novemeber.
3. When and where did you first meet? We met at a party.
4. How long did you date? We dated for 3 months and were engaged for 3 months.
5. How old is he? 26
6. Who eats more? It depends on the food and if I am pregnant or not, but usually Matt eats more.
7. Who said I love you first? Matt did.
8. Who is taller? Matt is 8 inches taller than me.
9. Who sings better? Neither one of us sings well.
10. Who is smarter? Depends on the subject, but probably Matt.
11. Whose temper is worse? Mine.
12. Who does the laundry? I do all the laundry.
13. Who does the dishes? I do all the dishes.
14. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Matt
15. Who pays the bills? We both do.
16. Who mows the lawn? Matt
17. Who cooks dinner? I do.
18. Who drives when you're together? Matt does most of the driving.
19. Who is more stubborn? Me!
20. Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? Not sure.
21. Whose parents do you see the most? We see my mom more than Matt's parents because she lives right around the corner and his parents live 3 hours away.
22. Who kissed who first? He kissed me first.
23. Who asked whom out? Matt asked me out first. It took him a while to get over the fact that I am short.
24. Who proposed? Matt
25. Who is more sensitive? Definetely me.
26. Who has more friends? I think we're pretty even.
27. Who has more siblings? I have 3 younger sisters and 2 younger brothers. Matt has a younger sister.
28. Who wears the pants in the family? Neither one of us wear pants, we wear shorts (like Linds said.)
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Do you ever feel like your kids are teaming up against you? I feel this way quite a bit. Ally and Cosette have found that they are good at throwing up/spitting up and pooping (very big ones) at the same time. If I notice one has pooped, the other has as well. If Ally throws up on me, Cosette does just as soon as I get Ally cleaned up. After being home only 5 minutes after church, Matt and I had changed 3 poopy diapers. We only have 2 diapered bums! I am hoping to start potty training after Christmas, I might make that a little sooner if they keep this up.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Homecoming Parade
The homecoming parade goes right past our house. We couldn't have had a better spot. Being able to walk out the front door and sit in front of our house to watch the parade and get candy, perfect! Ally didn't know what to think when mommy and grandma told her she needed to wave to everyone going by. She quickly caught on, once they started throwing candy to her. She was loving it, especially once it was over and she was able to see how much candy she got. Most of the candy was going to the high schoolers, so we were excited with how much candy we did get. Ally got so excited about her candy that she took a tootsie roll and tried to eat the whole thing, wrapper and all. Grandma started giving her some of her candy and boy oh boy was she excited. Suckers, tootsie rolls, flavored tootsie rolls, and candy bars!
Ally just had to help open presents. I'm excited for Christmas now. Last year she wasn't too into opening Christmas presents (she was only 6 months old) so this year will be fun.
Friday, September 07, 2007
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