Sundays are kind of crazy now at our house. I have meetings twice a month before church and that leaves Matt home with the kids. He has to feed them, get them dressed and loaded into the van. As well as get himself ready. Naps are a BIG part of the kids day and 1pm church throws them off. So this week, the kids went down for a nap right after Grandpa and Grandma left. Matt had them there close to the end of the 2nd hour. They were pooped out from a fun weekend.
When we got home Ben was famished, so instead of changing clothes like normal he had a big snack and then ate more dinner at grandma's house.

Daddy did really well dressing the kids.
I'd forgotten to set tights out for Ally, so she came with just shoes on her feet.
I'd also forgotten to set a head band out for Lucy, so Matt got her a headband and forgot the bow.
At least he made it to church with all 3 kids, right!

Oh how we love this chubby girl. She is such a blessing and so much fun.