Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Ben funny

Last night we went to the orchard, when we got home I went to get Ben out of his carseat and he was showing me his feet. 
Ben "toe poop"
Me "huh?"
Ben "toe poop see"
So I looked and sure enough, it looked like his toe had pooped.  He had had on his crocs, his feet had gotten dirty and sweaty and so it looked like they had pooped to him.  Lovely.  Thanks for the good laugh buddy.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Goodbye and farewell

Lucy now no longer takes a bottle and hasn't since Monday.  She hasn't even asked for one. 
Ben hasn't had a pacifier since Monday night.  He asked for it the first few days when we'd put him to bed, but hasn't asked for it since.  Yeah!!!  Now we are going to start potty training Ben.  I've tried putting Lucy on the toilet a few times and she has NO interest in it, other than trying to play in the toilet water.  My plan was to do both kids at the same time, but I think I'll start with Ben and then work with Lucy. 

August 26

Day 13

August 25

Great Grandma Lich got Josey this cute outfit with these adorable shoes.

 Day 12 of school.
 Josey got to go to her first school meeting last night (and boy was it boring!).

August 24

This was Sette's birthday.
We started the day off by getting Ally to school. 
Josey got a bath, hence the cool hair.

 When Lucy gets up in the morning, this is her belly.  Right after eating or drinking something, it balloons out, to what you normally get to see as her buddha belly.
 Miss Jo's cool hair.

 Reading with daddy.
 Day 11 of school.

 The kids were not up for participating cooperatively for pictures.

August 23

Day 10
This was also picture day.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

4th birthday

Today is Cosette's 4th birthday.  We've had 3 of her 4 birthdays without her.  Matt took the day off and we just had a laid back day of errands.  After dinner, we got flowers and took them to the cemetary.  We sure do miss Sette.  We see so many part of her in the younger 3 kids.  I am truly thankful for the temple and that we can be an eternal family because we were sealed. 

1month/15 months

Lu and Jo had their well checks today.  Lucy is now weighing 26.13 and is 32 inches tall.  She's in the 95th% for both.  Her head is in the 50%.  Big body, small average head.
Josey is weighing 12.04 and is 22 1/2 inches tall.  For weight, she's in the upper 97th%.  Height she is in the 90th%.  Her head is in the 50%.  Josey is weighing more than the rest of the kids at this age.  And I thought she was going to be the petite one!!  I guess we just grow'em big! 
While we were there, the nurse mentioned that they just got flu shots in and asked if we wanted to do Lucy's.  So we went ahead and did flu shots for Ben and Lucy.  I hadn't planned on doing shots for either of them, so I'm sure they were less than happy with me.  At one point all 3 kids were crying.  I nursed Josey right after she got her shots and it calmed her down fast.  And she woke up at 6pm to nurse and has been asleep since. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 22

Day 9 of school

 Josey is 5 weeks old

 Watching Diego and doing what Diego asks him to do.

 Can you tell she has an ornery side?

Monday, August 22, 2011

August 21

Wow, this was not the day to try to do pictures before church.  YIKES!  I am surprised we even made it to church.  Ben's hand in his pocket, is CUTE!

 This was the best one by far.  Everyone is looking and no one is crying.

 I was wanting to get a picture of the 3 girls, but as you can see, Lucy was not going to participate.
 After church, at Grandmas's house, she was more cooperative.

 We celebrated my mom's 49th birthday yesterday.  Ally drew her a picture, complete with 2 people with nose nostrils and everything (that's what they were laughing about).

August 20

 Who's that cute baby?

 Helping daddy try to fix the weed eater.

August 19

She was a bit tired after a late (she's been going to bed between 7-7:30) night (9pm). 

 Love this baby! 
 Fun boy.
 Sweet baby.  I love this beautiful girl.  She has a great smile and giggle.
 Helping mommy fold the laundry.
 She didn't seem to mind laying in the baby cradle.

 Good night kisses.
 Sharing baby with Josey.