Brigham is so awesome.
Here's 1 BIG reason why he's so awesome.
This morning we dropped Ben off at preschool and went to the pediatrician because Ally is sick.
After a student nurse practitioner and then the pediatrician look over Ally very thoroughly, he decides we need to do a chest x-ray and a nose swab. He was thinking it was 1 of 3 things: pneumonia, flu or viral. So the 2 crazy girls, the still sleeping baby, the sick looking 7 yr old and I walk down the hall to do these 2 things in the outpatient area. Lucy was great. Brigham slept the ENTIRE time we were there. Ally was brave for the x-ray and the nose swab and didn't complain too terribly much that she didn't feel well. And Jo was not nearly as awful as she has been. I was so grateful that Brigham slept the whole time. On our walk to the van, he woke up hungry, so I fed him in the van before we left to pick up Ben. Oh and there's another thing I am super grateful for, a great friend that was able to pick Ben up for me (her daughter is in Ben's class at school and church) since I didn't know ahead of time we'd be doing extra stuff at the hospital. He was more than bummed I came to pick him up.

I got the results from the tests we did today for Ally.
She has the flu.
Today is my sister Tiffney's birthday and she found out she's having a boy at the end of July.
My sister in law also finds out what the gender of her baby is today.
Ben is hoping for 2 boy babies, to try to even out the ratio.