The girls looked quite cute today. I would like to pat myself on the back for not only having the kids dressed and their hair "done" but we got to church 15 minutes early for the past 2 Sundays. Oh and Jo's doll had 4 outfit changes before deciding on the 1 below.
We KNOW he needs a haircut.
He KNOWS he doesn't like getting his hair cut.
Eventually he'll get got and sweaty and ask for me to cut it.
I'm just hoping that day comes somewhat soon.
Lucy's doll met her at church (she forgot her at grandma's house). She made sure to bring her dolls matching dress so they could dress alike.
In the evening we had hamburgers and other yummy food.
Then we had our annual egg hunt with everyone hunting.
Lucy found the most eggs, 2 gallon buckets full.
This little girl made sure to stop and open eggs every so often.
She had to make sure the candy was worth looking for.