I've been tagged by Megan
Here are my 8 Unknown Things about ME in no particular order
Please also note.
After reading my comments it may seem that I was really an awful guy in the past. I'm not really a shallow guy. Though it may sound that way, I was just a single guy looking for my E.C.
1) One of my favorite TV shows is “Peep and the Big Wide World”. I love to watch it with Ally in the mornings on TLC. I’m a fan of the writing and the actors. The narrator is Joan Cusack. I also like the theme song.
2) My right pinkie finger is deformed. Most people don’t notice unless they really pay attention. I dislocated it during a football game. It was my sophomore year during the homecoming game.
3) On my mission in Honduras, I had my toe nail removed. Now, I always seem to have problems with it growing back. It’s pretty gross looking. It scares small children at the beach.
4) One of my biggest pet peeves is bad grammar. I have the hardest time at work (Lenscrafters) helping people with terrible grammar. My coworkers also seem to use double negatives and other obvious mistakes.
5) To reiterate number 4, I once broke up with a girl solely because she added a “k” to words ending in “ing”. For example, “Hey, after work today let’s go runningK!” I’m not very proud of it, really. I realize that I probably have terrible grammar too! It just bothers me to hear someone use grammar that just sounds bad! The weird "ingk" was the just one more reason to find someone else.
6) I put off asking Tashina out for like a month because I thought she was too short. When we had our first date, it turned out to be the worst date I'd ever had. That's another story though!
7) When I was younger I was able to eat an obscene amount of food. On a Boy Scout camp out I once ate 22 pancakes. Also, one night in high school, I was out with friends and I ate 4 Big Macs and 2 milkshakes in one sitting. The good thing is I can’t imagine doing that now.
8) I once had 2 girlfriends at the same time. It was for like 3 days. I was in a transition period. I was breaking up with one and starting with another. It happened when I first moved to Indy. I'm not sure if that really justifies it though?
1 comment:
Matt, this was so funny! I’m so glad you decided to post eight unknown facts about yourself. I sure did learn a lot. And just because you were transitioning between women doesn’t really justify having two at once, but I definitely understand your point. (And just so you know, I typed this comment into Microsoft Word so that I could spell and grammar check before posting it. You’re welcome.) Oh, and that thing about your toenail, that’s disgusting, it probably scares more than just kids.
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