Cosette Rae Horn
Born at 1:05pm on August 24, 2007
Labor was a piece of cake. I started pushing at 1:01 and out she came 4 minutes later. It was one contraction that brought her out. She is a great baby and sleeps so well at night. The first night home she slept 7 hours! Ally adores her and is trying to learn how to play nicely with her.

We took this right before we left the hospital. Matt and Ally had come to pick Cosette and I up from the hospital after they got done at church. Ally fell asleep on the way and stayed asleep until we got down to the car.

Ally is good at giving her sister kisses and pointing out that she has eyes, nose, fingers, mouth, toes and hair.

Matt and Cosette

Mommy and Cosette

She is so beautiful! Let me know when you're ready for a visitor :)
Every one looks like they are doing well. Cosette is such a cutie! We will be up there on Monday and will call to make sure it is ok if we stop by. Let me know if you need anything.
Linds. and Fam
She is so beautiful! It's so great, it seems like Ally is thuroughly in love with Cosette. Let me know if there is anything you ever need, I've heard having two kids is a lot harder than just one!
Ahhh! I miss the internet for a few days and come back to discover that you had your baby!
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