Homecoming at Indiana Deaf
The football team played Mississippi Deaf. At half time the score was ISD 58 MSD 0.
The exciting part for us was half time. My sister Tahnee was a nominee for homecoming queen. At her school only seniors are voted for and anyone can be in the homecoming court. So some years they have 4 girls in the court, this year there were 9. My sister went to all of the girls in her grade and talked them into joining with her for trying to get homecoming queen. Now if you think about it, most of us wouldn't have asked others to join because that would limit our chances of winning. My sister never had that cross her mind. She wanted the other girls to experience this and have fun. Tahnee didn't talk about winning and really didn't think she would. My sister went as far as having 2 of the girls come over to her house and my other sister and her found clothes for the girls to wear. Last Sunday at dinner, the girls were there and over dinner my mom was explaining what it meant to dress modestly. Tahnee had told everyone that they needed to dress modest. When all of the queen nominees were lining up, I heard a few different people commenting on how nice the girls were dressed compared with years past. I thought that said a lot for Tahnee. Tahnee understands what it means to dress modestly and has tried to emphasize this to her peers.
She couldn't have her boyfriend walk with her because he's a junior.
1 comment:
Wow, I can't believe Tahnee is that old!!! That's crazy!! She is soooo pretty!
Tell her Congrats for me!
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