Sunday, October 28, 2007

So what does everyone think about the changes with stakes? It's exciting that we'll get to be in a brand new stake and have that chance to meet new people. We are excited about the new change, but at the same time, sad because we will be leaving friends in the Indianapolis Stake (Nehring Family). So does anyone have any idea where our stake center will be located?


nicole said...

I'm excited too. About 4 years ago, (then) President Chipman said that someday soon, Pike would be it's own stake. Wow! only 4 years later, and it's true! I have heard for years that the reason the Brownsburg/EC building has so much grass between the building and the parking lot is so that one day it could be expanded into a stake center. But then, I heard that White River has a new parking lot too....Maybe I shouldn't be speculating. Good to be "a little closer" to you guys!

traci said...

Jeff thinks it's at Stop 11 because that's where the Saturday adult session is.

We'll see....

Good to have you "back" in the stake.

(how is bedtime going?)

Erika @ Andover ClOthing said...

I heard Brownsburg because it was originally designed as a stake center - just that phase of the building wasn't completed. Some day we will have a stake center that was meant to be a stake center... glad to be back in the same stake as you :)