With the rain we've had the last 2 days, we've been having lots of fun inside.
Today we went over to my friend/high school swim coach/I babysat for her, house. We had a good visit and Ally kept 2 of her kids quite busy. Ally kept taking their hands and leading them around their house. Then she started rearranging the pictures and knick knacks for them. Her kids are in 8th grade and high school and the other one is at Ball State.

Ally really likes suckers (tootsie pops are a favorite because I won't let her eat the gum from blow pops) and since she makes such a mess I only let her eat them in the tub. When she has a sucker in the tub, I only let her take showers, otherwise she'd be swirling her sucker in the water (that I KNOW she had peed in). YUCK.

We pulled the way fun fort out. I thought it'd be fun on a rainy day. Ally had lots of fun today.

She had her blanket, dinosaur, and two dolls in there with her. She would have had Cosette in there had I let her.

Cosette, boy are you growing to be quite the big girl.

Cosette has her 2 month well baby check up on Friday and I am SO curious to find out how much she weighs now. She is getting incredibly big. She is such a great baby. She is patient, sweet, alert, healthy, happy, snuggly, and oh so loveable.
Tashina, she really is getting so big! I can't believe your comparison pictures of Cosette and Ally! WOW! Also, super smart of you to do the sucker in the shower. I'll have to try that. Mara always seems to get the hard candy in her hair. That's so not fun.
Cosette looks just like Ally and Matt now. Except for the dark hair. It was good to talk to you on Friday. Hope that you are having a good week and we will talk to you soon.
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