Weekend at Grandpa and Gram's house, Childrens Museum, and randomness

Cosette has mastered the art of sitting up by herself.

Ally & I

This is what Cosette did at the Children's Museum.
She was so good.

Cosette loves the camera.

Ally had so much fun yesterday at the museum.

Her eyes were wide the entire time we were there. She was so enthralled with everything.

She loved the Curious George exhibit.

Another one of her favorites was the sand table. I can't wait for spring when we can get sand for her sand box.

She was also having fun in Science works with the mulch, until a kid or two decided to start throwing mulch on her. She wasn't quite sure what to do and neither was her mom. The parents of the perpetrators were standing there watching them. They must have told there kids at least 20 times before they even started throwing mulch at Ally that they needed to stop and be nice. If after 20 times, they aren't listening, you need to leave.

Ally growling like a tiger.

Matt playing in the snow.

Ally with her snowball.

Ally next to the snowman.

Ally throwing her snowball.

Smashing a snowball on Grandpa.

Cosette with Great Grandpa and Grandma Horn

Cosette and Great Grandpa.

Ally all ready for church.

Great Grandma Horn and Cosette.
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