We've had a busy past week. This past weekend my sister in law had a bridal shower so the girls and I went to that. I got to be in charge of games. I had lots of fun finding games to play. Last Wednesday my sister went to the childrens museum with us. It is so much easier to go when I have someone else to help out. On Tuesday we (the girls and I) met my mother in law, sister in law, and her fiance Phil, at Qdoba for lunch. From there Kim and Phil went to the State museum and Jackie came with us to the Childrens museum. I don't think we'll ever get tired of going to the museum. Yesterday, we went with our play group to the zoo. That was a lot of fun. So when I say that it is 1:30 and I am still in my pjs, maybe you'll understand. I plan on getting dressed before Matt comes home, but until then I will be very comfy. Ally, Cosette and I made a chain to count down the days until we leave for vacation. I wasn't aware that it was so soon. I am going to start packing next week with hopes of not forgetting anything, if I plan ahead. This weekend we are going to the in laws for the weekend, and I heard there's going to be homemade ice cream. I am super excited.
Okay, on to other things...do you ever wake up and realize your kids are in bed with you and you don't remember them coming in bed or you putting them in there with you? This has happened one too many times in the last week. I'm not quite sure what to do as this is happening during the night and I am trying to sleep. We have tried shutting Ally's door, but then she lays behind the door and screams under it. This gets annoying very fast at 2 am. Cosette got moved back to our room, but in her own bed. She wakes up usually 2-5 times during the night. I've noticed that when I am asleep and she wakes up, even making a little noise, I pick her up out of habit. I need to do a sleep overhaul at our house. The girls don't take too many naps during the day, they aren't super long naps, and they aren't close to bed time. Hmmm...I'll let you know how things go.
Oh yeah, I got called to be in the nursery at church. I guess that's what I get for enjoying relief society (when I was in there). Usually Cosette and I ended up in the hall because she would be making too much noise.
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