I absolutely love these things. I could watch them all day. I love that more people are getting them. When I was younger my favorite thing to look for were the oil diggers (whatever they are called). Now I love to watch for the windmills and the oil diggers. We passed a few semis carrying HUGE parts for windmills. These things are massive.
Side note: I know Cosette is not a year old yet, but she is just too big to be sitting the other way and I felt bad making her face backwards for a 24 + hour drive. I know, bad mommy. She is going back to facing backwards now that we are home and only need to make short drives.
I will join you in the ranks of bad mommy's. Thomas turned around to face forward when he was between 10 and 11 months old. His little (well, actually they were chubby and long) legs looked so uncomfortable all scrunched up. Also, I was much more comfortable with him facing forwards so I could see him!
I am sooo tempted to do the same! Hayden is well over 20 lbs and looks so uncomfortable! He is the first of our kids to reach 20 lbs before their 1st bday. Definitely tempting...(sigh) I will resist, he'll turn 1 in about 5 weeks. Wow, where did the time go!?!
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