Cosette sleeping with her new baby from Grandma and Grandpa Horn.

After the party when everyone had gone home, we put all the balloons in the crib and put the girls in.

Cosette wanted out and Ally loved it.

Cosette is really into horses right now and I think my mom got her this horse.

Cosette got this toy from one of my brothers.

And this from another brother.

The beginning of a big mess.

She shared with Matt.

She loved the icing.

See I'm messy.

Here's some closer proof.

A messy cowgirl.

Cleaning off the messy birthday girl.

Travis lighting my moms cake. She had a chocolate raspberry cheesecake.

Jackie, Phil, and Travis.

My mom blowing out her candles, with Ally's help. Can you see the paparazzi in the background?

Cosette playing with the balloons.
Aunt Kate got her cute pjs and lots of books.
Tara and Ben got her books.
Phils family got her a baby signing time dvd.
Great Grandpa and Grandma Horn got her pjs and a cute outfit.
Phil and Kim got her a singing snail card.
Tahnee got her the fisher price barn with other pieces that attach to it.
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