So last week Matt had to go to Cincinnati for a conference for work. The girls and I were lucky enough to tag along. We stayed in a nice hotel downtown. The girls and I went to the Museum Center where they have an AWESOME childrens museum. We had a great time at the museum. After Matt got done in his conference we went for a long walk to Newport, KY. It was a nice walk and I think we all enjoyed it, especially since the rain held off until we got back to the hotel. If you're going to be in Cincinnati and have kids, you should totally check out their childrens museum. I found it was more hands on for kids than the Indianapolis Childrens Museum. Also, all the different areas have things that would be fun for all ages.

There are 3 museums, 1 IMAX, and their train station in this building.

This is in the "Woods" area. There were 4-5 turtles in this tank and the girls LOVED watching them swim.

They had all these nets you could climb through and caves and tunnels. Very fun.

The sand table is always a big hit.

Playing at the water table. Right before I put the smock on Cosette, a lady dropped a big bucket of water in the water table and it soaked Cosette. After that she really didn't want to play in it.

Ally was ready to leave the water area after 5 minutes.

This area was SOO cool. There was a net around the entire area. Balls were everywhere and there were tubes that would suck the balls into them and drop them somewhere else. We spent quite a while there.

The girls really liked this cute kitchen area.

Cosette kept trying to drink out of the pan.

This area was somewhat like the area in science works in Indy, except this area was larger and had more to it.

Cosette loved playing with the duplos (legos). Isn't funny, we have duplos at home and she seemed way more interested in the ones at the museum.

They had the Clifford exhibit. They had some of the same things they had in Indy and some different things.

Ally got to deliver mail and thought that was pretty cool.

She moved Cliffords bones around.

They drove in the truck.

Cosette drove while Ally sat in the back.

Yeah for a fun trip!
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