2 parents, 6 kids and memories made everyday. "The way to have a little Heaven in your home is to have someone from your home in Heaven"
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Fantasy Football
This year was Matt's first year playing Fantasy Football. He played on our church team and played on a friends church team. He put quite a bit more time into this than I had anticipated. But guess what? He won! And he won in both of the teams he was on. Way to go Matt! Last night he said "I am now the alpha male of the Plainfield Ward". So there you have it, Matt won by 4 points. Okay I had to rub it in. I stayed up and watched the game with him and am now quite tired, as I am sure he is. Matt has to get up at 4:30am to get ready and leave for work. I'll let you take a nap when you get home today.
Monday, December 28, 2009
4 Christmas' down, 1 more to go
If you start at the bottom and work your way up, then they are in order.
The were playing a game, I think. I just like the look on Ben's face.
Our boy full of fun!
So he pulls himself up to EVERYTHING and ANYONE. From there he walks along things to get himself around. He may look little next to some of his friends, but he knows how to get what he wants. He is just like his sisters.
Busy Busy
Wow a whole week without updating the blog! I will have to get right on this today. Watch for an update a little later, I have to get kids fed and down for naps first.
Monday, December 21, 2009
It's snowing, its snowing!
Actually it's only lightly snowing right now, but I am getting excited about the snow. It's suppose to snow just about every day this week, woohoo! We'll have a white Christmas for sure.
Oh I love this time of year, somewhat. I love the spirit that comes with the Christmas season, as long as you go shopping early in the day, you'll get to experience it there as well. I love figuring out what gifts to buy everyone and seeing their reactions on Christmas Day. I am really looking forward to watching Ally and Ben this year. I can just hear Ally saying "oh this is what I've always wanted" to every gift opened. So fun! We have 2 gifts coming in the mail and I am HOPING they get here by Christmas. Matt and I are having a tough time on one gift and it's making me crazy. I just want to be done. I have everything except for those 3 peoples gifts, wrapped, ribboned, bowed, and ready to be received! Come on Christmas! Please Mr. Delivery guy deliver the gifts soon!!
Oh I love this time of year, somewhat. I love the spirit that comes with the Christmas season, as long as you go shopping early in the day, you'll get to experience it there as well. I love figuring out what gifts to buy everyone and seeing their reactions on Christmas Day. I am really looking forward to watching Ally and Ben this year. I can just hear Ally saying "oh this is what I've always wanted" to every gift opened. So fun! We have 2 gifts coming in the mail and I am HOPING they get here by Christmas. Matt and I are having a tough time on one gift and it's making me crazy. I just want to be done. I have everything except for those 3 peoples gifts, wrapped, ribboned, bowed, and ready to be received! Come on Christmas! Please Mr. Delivery guy deliver the gifts soon!!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Ally was SO excited about seeing Santa Claus. She drew pictures of what she wants for Christmas and I wrote down next to each picture, what it was, so he would know. On the way to go see Santa, she said that she was going to ask Santa for a strawberry for Grandpa Horn. I asked her why a strawberry for Grandpa Horn and her reply was, he wants one. So grandpa if you get a strawberry for Christmas, it's from Santa. I explained to her before going inside, that she needed to only ask him for things for herself, not for everyone else. Whenever she is asked what she wants for Christmas she'll tell you what Benson, daddy, grandmas, mommy all want for Christmas. So I told her today she had to focus on herself.
Ho Ho Ho!
is the one word that describes Benson as of late.
Determined to figure out the stairs.
Determined to stay awake.
Determined to make mommy crazy.
Determined to bug Ally whenever possible.
Determined to find a crayon and eat it.
Determined to find crumbs on the kitchen floor and eat them.
Determined to figure out how to get the outlet covers, off (you know the plastic things you stick in the outlet to keep kids from sticking their fingers in the holes)
Determined to figure out the floor vents. He'll crawl from one room to the next for an hour, not kidding, and check out each vent. What's so interesting about a vent? He is fascinated.
Determined to get outside. He'll lay by the back door and stare outside and then he'll sit up and stare at the handle on the door, as if trying to figure out how it works.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
My little monster in the making
He eats everything, yet there are NO teeth in site. One morning he's going to wake up with a mouthful.
Friday, December 11, 2009
A few months over due
Our first snow!!!
Ally was super excited to be able to play in the snow.
Benson is into everything and is all about learning new tricks as to how to drive his mommy crazy. Two days ago he figured out how to stand up in his crib. I went into his room to get him up from his nap, to find him standing up laughing. Surely he was laughing at me and the look he knew I'd have on my face.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Our Angel
Saturday we went out to the cemetary. I would like to thank those of you that might have prayed for a sunny day on Saturday. I really appreciate it. I knew it would make the day a little rougher if it was gloomy. Sunshine helps EVERYTHING. Ally fell asleep on the way there and was super grump. She had wanted to bring her camera to take pictures, which is why Matt is holding it. We all picked out a flower for Cosette. My mom does a great job keeping the flowers looking nice for us. We just added a few to what she had done.
A favorite..not sure why.
The kids, mainly Benson, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to play on the kitchen floor. I'm not sure if it is because he can pull himself around easily or the fact that I am horrible at remembering to sweep the floor, so he likes to find the crumbs. Don't worry I have been getting better, but he is just SO good at finding those little things to stick in his mouth.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Udder Covers
If you go to this website and at check out type in the promo code: Christmas, you will get a $32 udder cover for just the price of shipping, which is $8.95. They also have little gift sets that are on sale for $37 and you can get $32 off that and then pay shipping. Great deal! I did this a few weeks ago and they sent me an email saying they were doing it again.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Missing Cosette
I felt that over the last year that I had started to get over our loss. Unfortunately, it's not that easy. At the start of the week ,I just couldn't focus at work, so I decided to take the rest of the week off. Spending time at home with family is the best way, for me, to cope. The kids do so much for me, it's quite the blessing.
Cosette loved to wrestle with me when I came home from work, but Ally didn't. A few months after Cosette passed away, Ally began wanting to wrestle. Recently, she started telling us "I love you!" a lot more and for no particular reason. Benson, since day one, has been a great blessing. He is always pleasant with a smile on his face. He loves to snuggle in close when you hold him. I'm so glad that families are forever.
Tashina and I were married on November 27th, 2004 in the Nauvoo Temple. We went to the temple to be married "for all time and eternity" not "until death do you part". Because we were married in the temple we will be with Cosette again. I am so thankful for this blessing, to be apart of an eternal family. I miss Cosette so much, especially this time of the year, and I think I'll always miss her. I know she is in good hands. I love my family, always and forever.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Angel Day #1
Hopefully we don't have to get too far with our counting of Angel Days. I'm going to write this about me and let Matt do his own post, if he wants. My emotions have been on the rise for the last 2 weeks. It probably didn't help that for 4 days in a row I had things with primary going on, but next year that won't happen. Matt took Wednesday afternoon and Thursday off and has just been hanging out with us. We got some things done- Christmas tree put up, dining room table put up, garage cleaned out (Matt did it all by himself), put lights on our tree in the front yard (Matt also did this by himself), got some things picked up around the house, did errands and ate out a bunch. Yesterday we got flowers from our friends the Edwards, thanks guys!Today we woke up to cinnamon rolls, a crown for Ally and flowers (thanks Dabney and Kathy). I hadn't really done much laundry this week, so I worked on laundry this morning, while Matt cleaned out the garage and put lights on our lonely tree in the yard. Then we headed to pick out some flowers for Cosette. Then we went to Sams Club to pick up some hot drinks (2 different boxes of hot chocolate and a box of apple cider), formula, and a few other things. Since it was Saturday we hit up all the samples and then headed back towards home to take the flowers to Cosette. I was SO excited that it was sunny outside. I think it would have really changed my day had it been gloomy. Now we are home and we're planning on ending the day driving around to look at Christmas lights and drink hot chocolate while looking at them, then come home and make brownies and then put ice cream on them. It's been a great day thus far, with the exception of the title that this day now holds for us. I miss Cosette oh so much. My heart aches to think how much I miss her and how much she would've grown over the last year. She would have loved having Benson around. The 3 kids would have gotten along great. I am so lucky and grateful for the knowledge that I KNOW I will see her again. She is my bug and I am her mommy. When the day comes for us to see her again, it will truly be a special one. I look forward to that day, but also know I have a lot to do on my end to ensure my place in Heaven. There's definitely a piece missing from our family, but some day soon she will fill it. Until then we have the imprint she's left on our hearts, family and home. I miss you tons bug!
I love you,
I love you,
Monday, November 30, 2009
Last week
Last Tuesday the kids and I drove Great Grandma Lich and Grandma Horn back to their house. We stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Horn until Sunday afternoon. We had a great time relaxing around the house (that's what Matt and I really wanted to do). Friday Matt and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary. We didn't do anything huge, even though Matt really wanted to. I told him for our 10 year we'll go all out, but not this year. We had a great afternoon together and then headed back to have dinner with the family.
Ben is still sickly and Ally seems to have gotten something as well. It's a good thing they know us really well at the pediatrician!! All morning Ally's asked if I will just take her to see the dr. Umm...NO. I'm not taking you to the dr until you actually have something more than a basic cold. We're hoping to get the tree up sometime this week. Looking at the week I'm not quite sure when that's suppose to happen, but hopefully we'll be able to get that done. To say that Ally is excited about the Christmas tree and Christmas, would be a HUGE understatement. We made a countdown till Christmas chain today and also a chain for on the Christmas tree.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Ben is still sickly and Ally seems to have gotten something as well. It's a good thing they know us really well at the pediatrician!! All morning Ally's asked if I will just take her to see the dr. Umm...NO. I'm not taking you to the dr until you actually have something more than a basic cold. We're hoping to get the tree up sometime this week. Looking at the week I'm not quite sure when that's suppose to happen, but hopefully we'll be able to get that done. To say that Ally is excited about the Christmas tree and Christmas, would be a HUGE understatement. We made a countdown till Christmas chain today and also a chain for on the Christmas tree.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
We can't forget about Benson
Don't look too closely at the first picture or you'll see his yucky nose. Ben loves to crawl into the bathroom.
Sunday dress
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