If you start at the bottom and work your way up, then they are in order.
The were playing a game, I think. I just like the look on Ben's face.

Sibling love!

Matt went out and split some wood for our fire. Thanks babe!

So I was horrible at getting pictures at our house. I think this is the only one I got. Ben got a ball in his stocking and Ally got a microphone.

She loves puzzles. Benson loves/d the wall of duplos around the Christmas tree. He ended up pushing it over when we were almost done with presents. He had fun batting at the branches and watching the tree shake.

Christmas at my moms house. Notice Ally is the only one not looking.

Ben was trying out Ally's big Christmas present. Right after this picture he dove out of the car and smashed his face into the carpet. He was fine, just a bit shook up.

Phil was playing the organ and Ally was playing her harmonica.

Ally got a harmonica and a real guitar for Christmas, she loves them both.

Learning to share with his sister.

He loves his baseball toy.

Benson and daddy on Christmas morning.

Ben and Great Grandpa Horn

Kim and I both got stock pots. The kids were trying them out.

Kim and Phil both got chef hats.

Chef Benson

He's in the middle of all the excitement.

Ben was just interested in being in the middle of everything.

I love how even, from this view, you can see how excited she is. Inside the box (that she's showing so much excitement about) is elastic and beads to make necklaces and bracelets.

Ally used the Fisher Price Nativity set and told everyone the story. She did a great job.
Tashina, I'm curious as to what you mean by four down, one more to go?
Great photos. Lincoln got a harmonica, too, from my dad. Him and Aly will have to play together.
I am wondering the very same thing! One more until what???
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