On Friday Ally and I went to the zoo with our friends. It was in the 40's, so we wanted to take advantage of the warmer temps and get the kids outside. We had a great time and were glad to spend it outside. I didn't take any pictures when we were there, but I took these before we left.

I love doing Ally's hair, especially when she cooperates with me.

On Thursday Ally and I went to the park, to once again, enjoy the 40 degree temps. I had been watching the weather and saw that it was suppose to get cold this week, so I KNEW we had to get outside. I still had her bundled up like it was below freezing because I didn't want her getting sick.

She had so much fun playing.

Here she is striking a silly pose.

So the last few days (not today) have been rough for me. I know I'm going to have my ups and downs and this has been one of them. I had been organizing pictures yesterday when I came across those and hadn't really looked at them since we got them (they're from Matt's dads camera and he made us a copy of the pictures). They were taken in the fall and I remember just about every bit of that day and what we did. Those pictures definetely capture "Cosette" and it brought a lot of memories to the surface. Today Ally was singing Happy Birthday and all of a sudden she was singing it to Cosette. Then she said that Cosette was eating cake at Jesus' home. I told her it wasn't Cosette's birthday, but maybe she was eating cake in celebration of someone else's birthday. She informed me that it was Cosette's cake and she was eating it with Jesus. I'm not going to doubt Ally on this one, for all I know Cosette is eating cake with Jesus. I guess I'll find out when I see her!
Tashina - Hi there. Just wanted to let you kids know how much I enjoy your blog. I read it at work everyday and share it with Debbie & Carol my co-workers. Just so you know I light a candle and say a prayer for you kids and Cosette every week when I come into church. I remember the pictures being taken on the tractor, Kim did those at Jackies birthday I THINK. Hope you three and baby Ben are doing well. Granma
I am glad you found those pictures, but so sorry it has to bring up so many painful/good memories. I hope Cosette is enjoying her cake!! That was a cute story! I think about you often.
Wow! You are a pro at little girl hair! Nice job.
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