So since our summer has been so full of fun/craziness this was our first trip to the pool. The kids and I went to my friends house and had a blast. Once Ally figured out that she could touch the bottom of the pool she was bouncing herself from one wall to the other (she fell asleep on the way home). Benson had a great time as well. He sat in his floaty seat and loved kicking his feet around. He didn't like it though when Ally would start splashing and it would get in his face.

I always said I'd never use these things, but because I want Ally to be able to play without me holding her, I gave in and got them.

Ally had fun floating around the pool in Ben's seat. I just didn't get a picture of it. I had told her that if I wasn't in the pool, she wasn't allowed in the pool. This is as far as she would go if I wasn't in there. She got mad a few times because I'd have to get out for this or that reason and she'd have to stay on the steps.

This is what swimming did to Ben. His little hand was up closer to his ear, he was saying "call me" in his sleep.

Mommy and Ben

The 3 of us having fun, but wishing daddy was there so it'd be even more fun. Wish you could've come with us Matt. Maybe next time!

We're so glad we have such nice friends with a great swimming pool.
1 comment:
We held out till #4 on the arm bands. Natalie now owns a set. We said we'd never do it, but she's scared to DEATH unless she wears those arm bands. She's not even comfortable in a life jacket!!
Now she finally seems to be warming up to the idea of swimming - and we go swimming a the pool quite a bit since it's in the neighborhood.
I've learned to never say never. If one child doesn't change your mind another will.
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