I know it's Wednesday and I'm just now putting up pictures from the weekend, but at least I'm getting it done so you can see pictures.
It started on Friday when Matt started cutting down shrubs by himself. I helped him out after he was done with 2 of them. We ended up cutting down 9 shrubs and 3 smallish trees (one which we found was an apple tree AFTER we cut it down). The kids had a great time entertaining themselves while we worked outside.

Poor little guy had a bit of a runny nose.

He LOVED riding with Ally.

And she LOVED driving him.

When we're helping we're happy.

Obviously sweeping the driveway and mowing the yard are dangerous and require helmets when doing them.

She kept saying "I'm riding my bike like daddy". Meaning she was standing up and riding.

Loves riding her bike.

Look at that dirty face. It's the face of a girl that's having LOTS of fun outside.

Helping daddy remove rocks from around the house.

I don't know if you can see too well in the picture but the branches, shrubs and trees that we've cut down are all in a HUGE pile back there, just waiting for us to make it into wood chips.

This is a before picture. I don't have an after picture yet. There were shrubs all along the front of the house and small trees on one side and a few shrubs on the other. All but one small tree are gone now.

Working hard on your day off.

Matt did a great job and worked really hard to get all of those shrubs cut down. Now all we need to do is get the roots out and the rock. Phil, my brothers and mom came and helped Matt on Saturday. They got 5 stumps out and worked really hard doing it. Thanks everyone.
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