So from the title you can probably guess that we've had some rough days. We've done a few things to deal with this.
1. we've watched some movies (Ally loves Johnny Lingo)

Benson has even gotten in on watching a few movies.

2. We've gone to the cemetary and had a good talk about how it's okay to cry when we're sad. We can always talk about Cosette. Ally was hit pretty hard the other night emotionally and so the next day we took a little drive to the cemetary and talked. It was a chilly morning.

3. Ally drew Cosette a picture. She said Heavenly Father was going to come down and pick it up and take it back to Cosette. I think we're all doing better for now.

After a night of trick or treating the kids were exhausted. Really we did our little loop and then drove to another house. We were back home and handing out candy with an hour still left of trick or treating.

Ben had been resting his bottle on Ally's shoulder. It was cute.
I am so sorry that you guys have been having some hard days! I hope things are going better. Don't hesitate to call if you need to talk!
We love you,
Linds and Fam
It was good seeing you on Halloween! The kids looked so cute in their costumes=)
I've been thinking of you lately. I think you are coming up on a hard anniversary soon.
Hang in there Tashina!
You have been on my mind a lot lately. This post confirms why. I am so sorry and wish I could take away the hurt. That picture of Ally crying about broke my heart. What a sweet girl. I pray that the next couple months are manageble and that you are comforted and carried through it. Know that you are loved and thought of often - as well as sweet Cosette. Love you lots! Call if you need to and we can cry together.
Sorry for the rough days Tashina. You will definitely be in our thougths and prayers this holiday season. Much love.
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