The kids and I have been somewhat busy this last week, doing what, I'm not sure, I just remember being busy. One thing I do know is that I've been busy making dinner every night. In the last 2 weeks, the kids and I have eaten out once and it was Saturday night. Matt and a few guys from church came over for an xbox party, so the kids and I escaped to my moms house for the evening and went out to eat, then made a nursing poncho. I'll post pictures later of my nursing poncho, it is WAY cool.
Now on to the pictures...

Sorry dude, had to post this one. Ben loves playing with Ally's doll house, even when all the pieces are put away.

Ready for bed.

Really, I'm smiling.

On Sunday we were all matchy in pink, I didn't get a before church picture and Ben was asleep after church. I'll have to dress everyone up and take a picture. Ally had her hair in 2 braids and this is what it looked like Monday, after I took the braids out.

Who knows what's up with this little guy??? I took him to the ped. on Friday (his normal Dr. wasn't in, so we had to see another Dr.) and he said whatever he has is either a cold or viral. Umm okay. Friday night he broke out in a rash and it hung around until he woke up Monday morning. He's been fine since. He is up to 21 lbs!

Showing her dance moves.

Showing his teeth.

Big helper or so he thinks.

I'm helping mom, really I am!

Obviously Ally's hair has changed a lot in the last year or so. It use to be, when I took out her braids, her hair would be all curly/kinky and within an hour of playing, it'd be straight again. Now I take out the braids and the next day it's still curly/kinky/crazy. Ally is definitely my big helper lately. She has been helping with dishes, laundry, Ben, making beds, setting the table, making meals, grocery shopping, and picking up. I think everyone should have a girl first, then boys. Matt had a few people tell him this after we found out we were having Ally. It's totally true. Ally is always concerned about her brother and making sure he is taken care of and feels included. Lately she's been telling Ben stories about Cosette and reminding him that we have to work hard and be good so we can be with her again. This little girl KNOWS that when Jesus Christ comes to the earth again, she WILL get to be reunited with her sister. I am incredibly grateful for the plan of salvation, the gospel and my testimony. I know that my family will be together forever, not end at death. Matt and I have 3, soon to be 4 beautiful kids and I feel so thankful for them everyday. For the opportunity I have to stay home with them and instill in them the values we find important. We are continually striving to better ourselves, so we can be reunited with not only our sweet Cosette, but so we can be a forever family.
1 comment:
That was beautiful Tashina. Thank you for posting that. (And I totally agree about how lucky people are with having a girl first. I love us girls and how we love to watch out for others. Conference rocked this weekend. I loved all the motherhood and parenting talks. So good.) I'm grateful for your testimony, too.
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