Thursday, May 20, 2010

Just another Wednesday

This doll has been Ben's favorite thing lately. He carries the baby around and loves on it. It's just so cute! Yesterday while changing his diaper, he was holding baby and I handed him a wipe, and he started cleaning baby.
We are working on how to hold the baby, we still have a ways to go.
This is his, I'm looking at the camera and grinning for you mom!
Trying out the product.
I'm all done!
We really want to go outside.
Anytime he hears a door open or close he gets all excited and runs for it, thinking he can go outside and play.
He's started to bring us his shoes and when we put them on him, he tells us bye bye.
Ally was dancing to Mellencamp.
The other day the kids and I were messing around with the tv and I found a tribute to Michael Jackson. It had like 12 music videos and so we sat there and watched them. Ally loved it and has been asking to watch it again. Oh and she dressed herself yesterday and was very proud of her outfit.
This little pink ball entertained the kids yesterday for at least half an hour if not longer. Ally would throw it and Ben would go get it and take it back to her. They did that for quite a while and giggled the entire time.
Brushing his hair. He had been brushing baby's hair, then decided to turn it into a weapon and hit mommy with it. That was the end of the hairbrush for the day!

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