Monday, May 24, 2010

There's no crying when riding a bike!

Ally was really wanting to play at the park, so we told her we could go, if she rode her bike. She really didn't like this idea, but wanted to go to the park, so she agreed. The WHOLE way to the park, she cried and screamed. She kept saying she was going to fall. She had a helmet and knee pads on, along with daddy right next to her. She doesn't like to go fast at. all. As in, I was walking faster than she was riding. Matt never thought he'd have to tell one of his kids to go faster on their bike. She's such a silly girl. Ally never did fall, but she did cry and scream both to and from the park.

1 comment:

Photochyck Photography said...

That's not what told me in Sunbeams. Haha. She said that she did fall and that's why she was crying. She's so cute!