Grandpa made the kids a swingset.

Lucy even enjoyed it.

Hanging out around the campfire.


Happy baby!

Great Grandpa Horn & Lucy

Phil playing the harmonica.

Ally, Grandpa & Grandma.

Great Grandma Horn & Lucia

Ally & cousin, Brock


Lucy & Great Grandma Lich

Riding the tractor.

Matt & Lucy

Me, Ben & Lucy (can you tell they were watching TV?)

Grandpa & Ally

The kids on the way home. Lucy was still awake.

We woke up early Monday morning and went to the pancake breakfast.
We came home and the kids took naps, then ate lunch.

She loves her big sister.


Love him! Even with ketchup on his face.

Love her, even with ketchup on her face.


signing- all done

signing- Jesus

Love her! She's the only one without food on her face, right now.
Cute pictures! Lucia is getting so big! So cute! Don't you just want to stop time?! I know I do. Tell your family hello...we miss everyone!
Fun swing set! Is that fire pit at your guys' place too? So much fun! We missed going to the pancake breakfast this year! :( They were always so much fun! Glad you all had a great Labor Day! PS. We love goofy and messy faced kids too!
Holy cow. Matt's dad was fast at building that thing. Yaowza! Only, if he wanted all the kids to be able to swing at the same time, doesn't he realize that Ms. Baby Making Machine is not done?! he, he. I love that photo of you and the babes. It's really sweet to see Ben holding Lucy like that.
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