While I organized Lucy's clothes, she ended up taking a nap on her blanket. She likes to sleep face down. When I lay her down, she nuzzles her face into her crib and goes right to sleep.

When I got done going through clothes, I started on other projects downstairs. Meanwhile she woke up and rubbed her face all over the blanket because she realized I wasn't next to her, and was screaming, hence the blotchy face.

Such cute sisters!

He loves books.

Everyday I let the kids do somekind of art project. Whether it be coloring, play doh, painting, just something to get their artistic juices flowing.
Ben thought he'd taste the paint. He did this a few more times, so it must not taste too bad.

We're doing really well...

now we have paint flying...

and a meltdown ensuing.

All done!

Finger time!

Mom, I can be an artist.

They decided the cup of water to dip their brushes in was making them thirsty.
At this point Ben got moved to a coloring book and crayons.
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