We painted the other day and I had told Ally if she and Ben took good naps then I'd paint their faces. Obviously they took good naps.
She wanted her nose orange.

Of course what Ally wants, Ben wants the same.

Ben playing with Lucy. He was showing her how to chew on the toys.

The weather really has his cheeks chapped.

Riding the stick horse.

Lucy is the best baby. As long as she's in the same room with us, she's content to just sit and watch.

This little dude LOVES to be outside.

He LOVES this big guy here. He even says his name. How unfair for mommy! Anytime he sees him outside playing he bangs on the door and screams his name. Luckily the neighbor boy doesn't mind playing with him for a few minutes.

Ben loves carrying things up the stairs. He's carried big books like in the picture below, his lawnmower, box of cars, dolls and just about every ball we own.

I love this little girl so much. She is such a joy.

Ben going in for a kiss.
He will not accept anything other than a lip kiss.
Lucy has been getting annoyed the last few days with it.
Ben is very persistent, especially with Lucy.
Lucy will turn her head and squirm away from his face, only to have him grab her head and lock lips. I am just glad he is so lovey.

Hey sister I'm going to help you swing!

Eyeing big brother.
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