Ally is really into putting her outfits together herself.
Example: nightgown and favorite pink cardigan, right before I took the picture she had on a pink stocking cap and pink dress shoes.

Sweet boy.

Loving little princess.

I was in the kitchen and kept hearing Ben babbling about something and I walked over to see what was going on and found him laying down talking to Lucy, meanwhile she was giggling away. It must have been something funny he said!

I gave Lucy a biter biscuit at lunch and this is what she did with it.

When she got tired of her fingers, she broke the biscuit in half and threw it on the floor. Sounds like someone else I know!...

I love that Ally is always excited about everything, whether it be a happy excited or an I'm upset excited. She's real. And she'll tell you what's on her mind, even without asking.
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