Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Ms. Lucy

Slept 4 hours last night, woke up, cuddled with mommy for a little bit, got some motrin and then SLEPT FOR 12 HOURS.  Boy am I thankful that I don't work and can stay home and let the kids sleep when their bodies obviously need it.  I am also thankful for all the things I was able to get done this morning while she was sleeping.  She didn't wake up until 11:45.  She then ate a feast and has been happy as a clam. 
I took the side off of Ben's crib, so it's a daybed.  I am trying to get him ready to move to a twin bed, then he'll move to Ally's room.  He has been sleeping so wonderful.  We put him in bed and he pretty much stays in his bed, or he gets a few toys to sleep with and gets back in bed. 

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