Saturday, July 13, 2013

Silver Beach

Mommy was wanting to go to IKEA as well as the beach.
Daddy got to pick between the 2.
Lucky for us, he chose the beach.
The 3 big kids took small naps on the way there.  Jo wouldn't nap.
She was a trooper and didn't fall asleep till we put her in her carseat at 7:15pm and then she was out for the night.

 When we were done at the beach, we packed up for stuff and walked to the van.
While mommy and daddy packed stuff in the van, the kids ate quietly.

 Then we walked over to the awesome splash park, where we were able to rinse the sand off and have fun playing in the fun sprinklers.

 Then we took a walk out to the pier and ate some cherries, strawberries and tomatoes.

 Then we finished off our trip with some cake and ice cream at the South Bend Chocolate Factory.
The kids were OUT.  It was a pretty quiet drive home for Matt and I.

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