Sunday, April 13, 2014

March/April birthdays

So for me to make it a successful start to Sunday, I have to have all church clothes set out the night before and the church bag ready and kids bathed.  Then I have to get up before Matt leaves so I can get a shower and get myself ready.  Then I feed the kids, dress them, fix their hair and if there is time we take a few pictures.  We had plenty of time on our first Sunday with Matt not home.

 He is such a fun, happy guy.

 We celebrated March/April birthdays.  I was in charge of dinner.  I chose Café Rio.  It was scrumptious as always.
Then we did presents.  Tara and Jeff got Ben a basketball and Lucy has asked that they get her a pink one for her birthday.
 He got a bell and horn for his bike from Tahnee and Lilly.

 A puzzle from Trent.

 A wicked fast nerf gun from Travis and Danika, don't let it hit you, it hurts.

 Duplos from Tiffney and Chris.
 Legos from Grandma.
 My mom made me a board to measure the kids. I love it.
I also got gift cards to my favorite stores.
 The 4 cakes: Tahnee's was some carrot, cream cheese, carmel cake.
Jeff had chocolate cake with chocolate frosting with sweet tarts on top.
Ben had a train cake.
I had a brownie, chocolate pudding, strawberry, cool whip trifle.

 32 candles is really hot.

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