I ended up taking Ally into the pediatrician this morning because she threw up again. Yesterday Cosette threw up 4 times and 2 of those times were in Walmart. I ended up leaving my cart and running for the door. I guess the girls just have the nasty flu that is going around. Hopefully it leaves our house very soon. I am soo over cleaning up throw up and washing LOADS and LOADS of laundry everyday. Since Cosette got sick in her carseat, I had to wash that yesterday and those baby carseats are a huge pain to put back together. I was almost at the point of just buying another one. Luckily, I dug a little deeper and found some more patience and got it figured out.
1 comment:
Don't be ashamed. We all need our ways to justify our "normalcy"! Fun times with Santa! Mara doesn't have a problem with Santa; however, she sat on my Abuelita's (grandma) lap yesterday and screamed her head off! She was tired, though, so that may have had something to do with it! :)
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