This morning when we woke up I showed Ally it snowed.
I actually knew it had already snowed because at 2:30 this morning I was lucky enough to drive to Walgreens, in the snow, and get some pedialyte and gatorade for Ally. She ended up throwing up 7 times in 3 hours. By 2a.m. I really wasn't sure what I should do, so I called and talked to the pharmacist at Walgreens and she said I should call the e.r. and talk to someone there. So I called and talked to a nurse and she said I needed to get something other other than water in Ally. Also, she was to sip her drink, not guzzle it like she normally does. So I got out a bottle and put a newborn nipple on it and it helped her sip it. She seems to be feeling a whole lot better and back to her mischevious self. Lets just say we had a LONG night. I eventually got to bed around 3:30a.m. and Matt was in bed by 4a.m. He decided while he was up, he'd work on homework. Then we were up at 9a.m. because we let Ally sleep in our bed with us.
Cosette was a PERFECT little sleeper last night (she usually is, but last night Ally screamed a lot and made lots of noise). I layed her down at 10p.m. and she slept until 9:15 this morning. I was so glad she slept through the night because I don't think I could have made it through the night in one piece.
This morning Ally got into Cosette's dresser and brought out a pair of her pants and wanted them on. So I thought, I'll just pull them up as far as they will go on you. Well, they fit her. It was a 6-12 month, I was very surprised. How nice would it be if they were in the same size this summer.
1 comment:
Oh gross! We've had several of those experiences, and we made Mara sleep on a towel for at least a couple months. They work nicely! Hope she feels better tonight.
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