Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Today I gave Ally a popsicle and she LOVED it.
It was windy outside, but not enough to blow Ally's mouth open that wide. She just wanted a mouthful of popsicle.
Here is Ally after she stole my popsicle.
She didn't think that one popsicle was enough.
The stick was very tasty.
Look at my dirty bum. I would like to take a moment to say that spray n'wash has yet to let me down. Ally had dirt/mud, orange and red popsicle, and blue raspberry sno-cone on her outfit and ALL of it came out.

She found it a bit challenging to walk with the hose.
Yes, she did suck on the hose.

This is her favorite pose. She looks through her legs and smiles really big.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ally is such a cutie and we always enjoy looking at what she is doing weekly. Thank you for your email, I will try and call you within the next couple of days.

Linds and Fam