Monday, July 07, 2008


Stef tagged me, so here it goes:

5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. I had just gotten my drivers license
2. I was coaching a group of 20 kids under the age of 8 on a summer swim team
3. I was teaching swim lessons
4. I went to EFY
5. I was a lifeguard

5 things on my to do list
1. do 5 loads of laundry
2. go to the bank
3. go to walmart
4. dust
5. vacuum

5 favorite snacks/foods
1. apple cider slushies
2.chocolate anything
3. pretzels
4. mozzarella sticks
5. cheeseburgers

5 things I would do if I was a billionaire
1. pay off all our (meaning Matt's) school debt
2. buy our dream house
3. invest it
4. help out my family
5. update mine and Matt's closet

5 bad habits
1. I still bite my nails (I know, gross, I do it when I get bored)
2. I don't stay on top of the cleaning like I should
3. eating when I get bored
4. surfing the internet too much
5. watching tv more than I should

5 places I've lived
1. Washington State
2. Davenport, Iowa
3. Rexburg, Idaho
4. Plainfield, Indiana
5. Indianapolis, Indiana

5 people I'm tagging
1. Lindsay
2. Allery
3. Nisha
4. Kim
5. Jenny


Allery said...

when did you live in all those places? I never knew that!

Allery said...

oh. . .It all makes sense now!! ha ha!!

Allery said...

I promise I will post, I am just trying to do my trip first!

Unknown said...

Just wanted to say hi and that we are still alive. Sorry I haven't called but you know how it goes. It is 10 p.m. and I am finally enjoying some peace and quiet.

Hope all is well and that you guys had a wonderful July 4th and Matt's b-day! We need to get together before the baby is due=)

Love ya,
