Wednesday, February 10, 2010

9 month stats

It turns out Ben is our tallest and skinniest 9 month old. He is weighing in at 19.05 lbs and is 29 3/4 in tall. Ally was 19.15 lbs and 27 in. Cosette was 21.5 lbs and 28 1/2 in.
The nurse asked how much milk he drinks a day and I told her "around 40 oz" and she just about fell over. Then she said, "so he probably doesn't eat much". Umm wrong! He eats everything. "So does he eat baby food or table food?" Like I said "everything!". He drinks lots of formula and eats just as much as Ally every day. Luckily he is VERY active otherwise he'd be a fat baby. He definitely doesn't have the attention span the girls had at his age. Cosette was sitting at the bookshelf forever at a time and Ally would entertain herself with any one object for quite a while. Benson can't seem to focus longer than 2 minutes on any one thing. He goes from the bookshelf to the toys to checking out the dining room to checking to make sure the gate to upstairs in closed, to the kitchen, to a window, to find Ally, to the bathroom, to find a cord to chew on, to search for food that might have gotten missed by the broom, ALL in a matter of 10 minutes. He's working on tooth #2 right now. He has an infection in one of his tear ducts at the moment, which is the cause for his green nose and the swollen eye he woke up with this morning.
Ally is keeping busy with a runny nose and drawing everyone she can think of pictures. She LOVES to color and draw and I love it. She is so creative and imaginative and most days entertains herself all day, with the exception of naps, lunch and a brother that pesters her.

1 comment:

Jer n' Stef said...

Sounds just like a boy! Busy, busy, busy, no time to sit still when there's so much to do and see! :)