Tuesday, March 30, 2010

According to Ally

Cars pee and motorcycles poop.
We were getting out of the van this morning to go into the grocery and she looked over at the empty spot next to us.
Ally "a car peed there"
me " um I guess it did"
We are walking at this point and walk past a motorcycle, to which she replies
"if cars pee, then motorcycles poop". Ummm...sure.

I can totally see where she got that cars pee (leaking fluid), but I am clueless as to why motorcycles poop.

1 comment:

Pini said...

That is so funny Tashina! ha ha! Just the other day Evan was watching CARS and noticed that some of the car characters went into a "bathroom" during one of the races...he says to me all confused, "Do cars go to the bathroom too?" haha! Kids!