Thursday, December 30, 2010

My once upon a time good sleeper

Ben has always been an AWESOME sleeper. Whenever it was naptime or bedtime, we'd lay him in the crib and leave. There was no crying from him, he'd just lay there and fall asleep. That is until recently. I guess he thinks he can have an opinion on when he goes to sleep or something. So just now at the age of 20 months we are working on sleep training. The other side of his problem with sleeping though is teething. He also wakes up when his diaper is full and just wants it changed. Lucy I think is teething as well. She was doing great with sleeping and all of a sudden has had issues. We are working on sleep training with her as well. Can you just hear my house at bedtime? I HATE to hear my babies scream. It's so heartbreaking, but a mom needs her sleep and the babies need to learn how to go back to sleep by themselves. Lucy had cried herself to sleep after only 5 minutes. Then I layed Ben down and he screamed and screamed for about 40 minutes. In the meantime it woke Miss Lucy up. Last night they kept waking each other up. Ben would start talking from his room and it'd wake Lucy up. I would finally get Ben back to sleep and then Lucy would start screaming and wake him up again. This went on a few times until they were both as tired as mommy and just stayed asleep. Lucky for me, Ally slept through it all, got up and watched TV so the babies and I could sleep till 8am (that hasn't happened in quite a while). So here I sit with Ally playing her leapster, Ben finally asleep and Lucy laying next to me sucking away on her fingers with a giant smile on her face like she knows something I don't.

The other night my mom babysat for us so we could hang out with some friends of ours and when she went to put Ally to bed, Ally informed her that her MP3 player needed new batteries because the others had died. My mom told her she didn't know where the batteries were, but she could still listen to music on her CD player. Ally then informed her that those aren't cool and no one uses those anymore. HELLO YOU ARE 4! I don't know where this girl gets some of the things that come out of her mouth. My mom proceeded to tell her she could either lay in silence or listen to the CD player. She opted for silence!


Pini said...

The whole cd player situation is so funny!
Good luck with the sleep training...hope you get through it soon. Your kids are getting so big! :)

traci said...

Good Luck! Sleep training is sooo hard. The older I get the harder it is for me to let them cry - because I just want to go back to sleep. (The other problem we face is the waking up of other siblings. Having one awake is way better than two or three. To me. Of course I realize this doesn't help in the long run.)