Thursday, January 06, 2011

December 29

Ben has been showing such interest in the potty, that I bought him underwear. Not quite sure he understands underwear though. Right after this picture, he ran out of the room, and crouched in a corner (yes he crouched in a corner) and peed in his toy story underwear. Maybe another week we'll try them again. He sure thought he was big while he had them on.

My super happy baby.
My silly helper.
My always messy eater. I think he gets confused on the location the food is suppose to go into.
Ally was trying her karate-chop.

Loved the hair. The kids were dancing.
Matt went camping with a group from church and so the kids and I partied while he was gone. Meaning: daddy wasn't home, we ate out, had pop and candy!

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