Monday, March 21, 2011

It is unfortunate..

that when Ally wants to tell her sister good night, we have to come here.
Matt and I are always wondering how things might be different if Cosette was still with us. Would Ally behave differently? Would we be any different? I know for sure that the hole in my heart will be there until I see her again. That isn't going away. The pain I feel can be pushed aside when life is busy. When things start to slow down it all comes to surface. I miss my girl. Ally really misses her sister and tells me this all the time. I have gotten past the whole "why'd this have to happen" and have moved on to "how can I improve this crappy situation". Well I can't improve this situation, but my Heavenly Father can help ease the pain. I am so grateful for the gospel and the knowledge that I have that I will see her again. Matt and I were sealed in the temple for time and eternity and our kids will be with us because of the righteous choice we made. I love my kids. They really are great. I just wish I could have them all here together. It'd be so much better having all of them here and it being total chaos, than having this cruddy hole in my heart. Miss you sweet girl!


The Reynolds said...

We're always thinking of you and your family. Where would we be without the knowledge we have of the Gospel and our Heavenly Father's plan? I'm sure Cosette misses you just as much. You sure are one great mommy.

The Stimpson Family said...

Thinking of you, Tashina. It is crappy - a perfect way to explain it. I admire the way you look at the situation and hope that you will be able to feel her near. She is a beautiful girl and I am glad I got to know her even for a short time.

The Stimpson Family said...

Thinking of you, Tashina. It is crappy - a perfect way to explain it. I admire the way you look at the situation and hope that you will be able to feel her near. She is a beautiful girl and I am glad I got to know her even for a short time.

Pini said...

Tashina, I'm so sorry!
She was and is a beautiful little girl. Your reunion will be the sweetest. Thinking of you and Cosette.