Monday, June 13, 2011

Ally is 5!

3 days old
 1 year
 2 years
 3 years
 4 years
5 years
Ally you have been such a blessing since the beginning.  You were an awesome baby.  You were a great toddler.  You are a great big sister.  You prove to us everyday that you were meant to be a big sister and do a great job fulfilling that role.  Daddy and I are so proud of the 5 year old you are.  You are definitely wise beyond your 5 year old self.  You are social and love to talk to everyone.  You love the camera and LOTS of attention.  You love your siblings.  You miss your sister dearly and make comment of it as often as the topic comes up (even in the middle of primary).  You know you have to follow Heavenly Father if you want to be with Cosette again and you strive hard everyday to please Him.  You are determined and strong willed.  You stick to your guns, especially when someones trying to do you wrong.  Love you beautiful girl!

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