Thursday, October 13, 2011

October 9

This little girl has been the biggest stinker lately.  She is the sweetest little girl all day and then come the middle of the night she is out of control.  Well, the problem is that she just won't sleep or doesn't want to or that I just don't know what her problem is.  I thought her problem was teething, but motrin doesn't seem to help.  We've tried playing music and having a fan on and that didn't do anything.  We've tried letting her scream it out and that didn't do anything.  I think she might be trying to show her independence.  I just wish she'd pick a different time to do this.  Mommy and daddy are tired and exhausted.  Our new plan (because we try something new every few days) is to lower the crib in the nursery and have sleep in there.  Raise the crib in Ally's room and have Josie sleep in there (since Josie sleeps better than Lucy).  If this doesn't work it's on to plan 146.  Looking at the bright side: she has EVERYONE (except mom and dad) fooled into thinking that she's a sweet, quiet little girl.  At some point I'm expecting a knock at the door about a screaming child.  I have gone out to my mailbox during naptime and you can hear her screaming.  Which only means that if the neighbors have their windows open at nightime they should be able to hear Miss Lucy screaming, since its quieter when it's dark. 
Remember: I will miss this at some point.  Sleep is only something I think I need, like chocolate!

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