Friday, February 10, 2012

February 9

My 2 tired girls.
Miss Josey was awake/asleep crying from 1am-5:30am.  She only wanted to be help upright and wanted me to be standing up.  Yep, I was one tired mommy going on full adrenaline...and caffeine.  Lucy was also up during the night.  She slept in our bed, but was crying off and on.  So I took both the girls..and Ben to the Dr. yesterday.  The girls had appointments and Ben was there because well he can't stay home by himself.  The Dr. went ahead and checked Ben out, just to make sure he was not in need of medicine.  The girls both have AWFUL AWFUL ear infections.  Lucy started telling me during the night that her right ear hurt (at that point I knew I was taking her in).  Josey didn't want to be horizontal (at that point I knew she was going in).  That and they were both running fevers.
 It was quite cute at the Dr. office.  As soon as the Dr. came in, Lucy walks up to her, points to her right ear and says "ow ow". 
 Since Jo had SO much mucus in her system, she threw up the first dose of medicine I gave her yesterday.  She threw up 4 times.  I called the Dr and she's like, well that's what I would expect with all the mucus in her system.  THANKS for telling me that before.  It would have been helpful to know that BEFORE so maybe she wouldn't have thrown up on me, the stairs, my bed, and the floor.
 Feeling SO much better.
 By the way, does anyone recognize this shirt that Josey has on?
 The chain in the background is a birthday/vacation countdown.
 Oh and both girls lost a pound since last week. 

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