Thursday, August 08, 2013

So excited

I am so excited about this school year for Ally.  Her teacher seems on top of things.  After school yesterday they realized they had forgotten to inform the parents of the kids walking home, that they would be exiting a certain door, so there was lots of confusion for parents, students and staff.  Her teacher just called to tell me that they ironed that out and kept apologizing for the confusion yesterday.  This being our 3rd year at this elementary I am very impressed with just about everything.  Even with a principal change this year, it seems that things are still going strong.  I hope it can continue.  I ran into Ally's principal and kindergarten teacher and they commented on the amount and size of the kids.  I told them that starting next year and 2 years following, they'd have 1 of my kids in kindergarten, then I'd give them a year to recover and send in the last 1!  The next 18 or so years are going to be busy, fun and a drain on the pocketbook.  We are excitedly looking forward to all the craziness that we are about to dive into. 
I love being a mom.  I love that I can stay home and raise these loving, adorable, monsters.  I love that Matt works hard so I can stay home (can you imagine how much we'd pay in childcare if I worked?).  I love that we have been blessed with soon to be 6 kids.  I have a precious little girl watching over my family and miss her terribly, but I know I will be reunited with her again.  My kids have great teachers that love them.  We live in a great community.  We have great neighbors.  I feel safe in my community.  I love that the sun is shining today.  I am thankful for my testimony of the Savior.  He died for me.  He loves me.  He knows me.  I treasure the time in the mornings when the kids and I read the Book of Mormon together and at night when we read the scriptures as a family.  I love that my kids want family time, just as much as I do.  And to end this, I am so excited that the state fair is going on. 

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