Friday, November 01, 2013

Trick or treating with a mohawk

At lunch today Ben out of the blue says to me "can you cut my hair into a Mohawk after nap?" 
Mommy was completely stunned by this request, but happy to do this.  We had made a deal with the monster that we wouldn't make him get his hair cut until after Briggs comes.  Well we didn't realize his hair was gonna grown so fast, thick and look like a helmet. 

 He was SO excited for a Mohawk.
 His first look at his new cut.  He loves it, until he realizes its fallen down.
 Ally wanted a picture with her decorated pumpkin cookie.
 Our whole county moved trick or treating to today.  The weather on Oct 31, was nasty.  We had TONS of rain, 50 mph wind and eventually lost power.  We were quite lucky with the weather we had for trick or treating tonight.  It started to cool off quickly, but just as we were finishing our route.
Lucy was Cinderella, Josey was Belle, Ben was a cowboy and Ally was an M & M. The girls let me fix their hair in cute French braids.

 One day, as long as I keep being persistent, the kids will have a group picture that turns out nice.  Until then, we will continue our efforts.

 We're almost done.
 We had to stop for a picture.

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