Monday, April 07, 2014

April is finally here

Josey is almost fully potty trained (you aren't totally potty trained until you sleep through the night without accidents).  She has had an accident here or there, but usually on our part for not paying attention.  She has done a great job.  And I don't have to remind her to go very often. 

 Miss Ally is excited about turning 8. 
She wants to get her ears pierced and will be getting baptized.
 Ben is excited about turning 5 in a few weeks. 
We have kindergarten registration this week and he's ecstatic. 
 Lucy was excited to see the big kids go back to school.
 Brigham seems to think he can sit up, even though he's not close.
He's a funny guy and is good at making us laugh. 
He currently likes to take his pacifier out of his mouth during the night and start screaming until you put it back in for him.  If you don't get it in fast enough, he wants fed.  He does this multiple times during the night (not fun).

 Ally realized she could climb up things like the walls and refrigerator and my counters.

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