Sunday, July 27, 2014

Just another manic Sunday

So last night when we were in the car, Ben commented that he hoped the tooth fairy didn't bring him a potato.  From there it turned into he hoped he didn't get a chicken, but if he did he had ideas for that chicken.  The tooth fairy thought it'd be funny to stick his money in a potato.  When he came in my room this morning, he excitedly squealed that the tooth fairy had brought him a bath toy with money in it. He was happy and is convinced he saw the tooth fairy in a pretty gown. 
 Brigham LOVES to watch tv.  Ben was showing him a game on the kindle and he was more than willing to sit and watch Ben play.

I found this cute dress at a garage sale.  Boy does it add a few years to her young age.
 Miss Lucy loves dressing up for church.
She loves the accessories.
 Pretty girl really didn't want her picture taken.

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