Tuesday, August 02, 2016

First Day of School!

Ally has been SO excited about school since the last day of 4th grade.  It's been killing her that summer break had to be SO LONG! At one point she was hoping that homework would be assigned on the first day.  Silly girl! I'm glad she loves school.
 This little guy was excited to see his friends. He has a great teacher and he's going to have a great year.
 Lucy's been looking forward to school, but not with as much enthusiasm as Ally. She likes her teacher and has several friends from kindergarten in her class.
 Josey was definitely nervous, but wasn't going to let it show.  Jo and I have been walking the kids to school since she was 3 weeks old.  She knows the routine.  She knows where her class is.  She knows her stuff and is ready to rock kindergarten. 
 Brigham was excited to walk (instead of ride in the stroller) the kids to school. 
He is a bit lost without them right now, but is quickly realizing he likes it.

 Ben was excited because he wouldn't have to hug Lucy at recess anymore (sometimes she just wanted a hug from a family member). Jo wanted to make sure that Lucy knew she was not going to be hugging her!  Ally told her she would hug her though.
 Matt went into work late, so he could walk the kids to school with me on the first day.

After being with them ALL summer and knowing what they are doing, it's rough sitting at home not knowing what's going on.  I sit here and wonder how they are doing, has Josey gotten in trouble?, are they listening to the teacher? When I pick them up today I will find out a smidge of their day.  Lucy's teacher is amazing at reminding the kids of some of the fun things they did so they can tell me. 
Yeah for back to school, but boy do I miss them!

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