Thursday, February 19, 2009

Funny Ally

After Ally's nap yesterday I told her we needed to go to Wal-Mart to get 2 things and then we were going to get drinks at Sonic. She was fine with both of these, so off we went. As we pulled into the Wal-Mart parking lot, she burst into tears. She kept saying she didn't want to go to this store. Normally Ally LOVES going to the store, especially Wal-Mart. After I got her settled down, she informed me that she was going to stay in the car while I went in. Umm...NO! I will get into big trouble if I leave you in the car. The rest of the 5 minute trip into the store was ridiculous. I didn't get a cart because I knew if I did, then we'd definetely be leaving with more than the 2 items I needed. So Ally got to walk, which I thought she'd enjoy. Nope, she was super mad that she didn't have a cart. I had to try to explain to her at least 10 times why I couldn't carry her and the gallon of orange juice at the same time. Maybe when theres not a baby in the way I could do it, but not right now. So she walked with me and cried the whole time. I had given her a sucker before we went into the store and she held onto her sucker until we got to the check out. Then she decided to eat her sucker WHILE SHE WAS CRYING. Who eats a sucker and cries at the same time? Silly girl. Once we got to the car, she was totally fine. After the drive-thru at Sonic, she started crying because she thought we were getting milkshakes. No, we don't go to Sonic and get milkshakes, we get limeades and ice. Eventually she was fine with the ice, but it took a lot of coaxing. Hopefully these silly fits will leave our house soon.
I just found it funny that she said she'd stay in the car. I've never left her in the car to go into the store (unless a big person is in there with her). Who knows where she got that from.

1 comment:

Nisha said...

Oh girly emotions! We have a lifetime of dealing with our girls and their random outbursts! You expect them to stop soon? We better embrace them now :)