Monday, March 23, 2009

A great Sunday to do hair

So this little idea has been in my head for awhile. I was quite pleased with how it turned out. As with every time I do Ally's hair, I end up changing things around as I'm working on her hair. The 2 braids in the middle I had planned on just being 1, but found it much easier to just separate them. If you can't tell there are 2 hearts with the braids. She sat super still for me and was very cooperative.

She thought that with her dress and her hair done, she was a ballerina. So this is what she did until we got to church. Her white shoes, were scuffed up before we even got to the car. Yesterday was the first day she even wore them. I think next year, I might invest in better quality shoes, in hopes of being able to get the scuffs out. These shoes, once they're scuffed, they're scuffed.

Silly girl
We were trying to get her to be serious and she stuck her tongue out just as the flash went off.
Daddy and Ally
Mommy and Ally and Benson
Ben is definetely making his presence known. I have 4 1/2 weeks left. I am pretty much out of shirts. What fit me with Ally, barely fit me at the end with Cosette, and is definetely not fitting now. I really don't want to buy more shirts, just for the last few weeks. So if you see me out and about and think to yourself, her shirts just aren't cutting it, I am very well aware. I try to wear the ones that BARELY cover my tummy, when we go out and leave the ones that don't cover everything for the days we just stay home.


Unknown said...

Ally looks so pretty in her church outfit and you are so good at doing hair. You will have to teach me how to do it, so I can attempt to do something with Hailey's hair (down the road of course).
Hope you are feeling good and we look forward to seeing you next week.


traci said...
